Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church


Archive for August, 2016

August 8th, 2016

My First Year at Scout Camp

Before scout camp, I was not so sure I wanted to go. But everyone said it was fun. It was actually amazing and the best camp that I have been to! 

I did my best on the swimming test. I went on 12 hikes. My favorite hike was to Gambler’s Cave because we went in to the cave. I earned my Tenderfoot and three really fun merit badges. 

I did not want to leave camp but I also wanted to get home. All I know is that there will be next year!


August 4th, 2016

Boy Scout Camp 5th year

My fifth year down to scout camp was nerve racking because I knew that I might be called on call night to be a warrior. The fourth night I was called and eventually became warrior later that session. If I were to choose my favorite year at camp it would be the year I joined the tribe of Mic-O-Say because you are then able to go anywhere on the reservation as for if I was a first year or just a non- tribesmen I could only go were tribal grounds were not. Also my fifth year at camp I was the substitute ASPL, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, that was fun because I got to do a job I always wanted to do. My excitement for my sixth year at camp is already real big, 361 days left.
