Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church

October 9th, 2010

Centennial Campout

By: Ryan Muller

It was by far the most massive Boy Scout event I have ever attended. There were tents everywhere and about 11,500 people there. There were so many different things set up for us to do and they were all a lot of fun.

The weather was even great, except for the cold and rainy part but that still didn’t stop all of us from having a good time. Some of the events were tug of war, sack races, an obstacle course, football throwing and fire starting. The food there was pretty good for all being cold and served out of boxes.

My personal favorite part was the amazing show Saturday night. The Mic-O-Say and Order of the Arrow dancers did quite a few dances for us; there was a magician that was pretty good for us not being able to see him. There were also two bands that played; one of them was Liverpool (a Beatles tribute band). They were by far my favorite part of the whole campout. They even dressed and talked like the Beatles did and they played very well too. They played songs like “Hey Jude” and “A Hard Day’s Night” and even came back out for two encores.

By the time it was done raining, it was a mud fest out there, which made trying to walk without falling a lot harder. As far as I’m concerned it couldn’t have been planned any better.

(If you would like to see more pictures from the Centennial Campout go to the Troop 282 Photo Collection.)


  1. Mr Gentry says:

    I thought this was a very well planned event. I had a great time! There was a lot of stuff for the boys to see and do, it was a very memorable experience. The Stage show was a great way to end the day!

  2. Curren says:

    I had a great time too, except for the rain.

  3. Mr. Norton says:

    I want to thank everyone who took pictures, since I was not able to come out until later. From what I saw in the pictures everyone looks to be having a GREAT TIME!

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