Boy Scouts of America

Troop 282

Blue Elk District • Heart of America Council, BSA

A Chartered Organization of Trinity Episcopal Church

July 14th, 2018


I was asked why we have a troop rock at scout camp. That was a very good question and I have given it quite a bit of thought. I am going to compare our troop rock to a patrol’s patrol flag. It should be something that everyone in the troop should be proud of, something that we can stand behind and rally around, something that should tell a little history about our troop and be a symbol to let other scouters know that our troop camps in the best camp at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation, Camp Lone Star.

Our troop rock has been around for a long time and it has been in many different locations in Camp Lone Star (Wigwam in the early days). Our troop rock started out on the NE side of the dining hall when the entrance road went around the mess hall. When the entrance road was changed, it was moved over to the road by the fire hydrant in front of the Nature Lodge. When the power lines were buried it was moved one again to where it resides now.

Our scout troop is 70 years old this year so to commemorate this event, Scott Howell III spent the weekend of June 30th and July 1st our troop rock w giving the rock a new coat of paint and lettering. Yes, our troop rock stands out just like the scout troop. It represents one of the best troops in the Heart of America Council and the Blue Elk District. Scouts, Leaders and Parents while at camp during 5th session, please visit and show your respect to your troop rock. First year campers, you may want to start a tradition having your picture taken with your troop rock each year. This will provide you with some great memories in the future.

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